So, I'm on an exercise kick....kinda. Basically, I am actually exercising and believe it or not, I actually WANT to do it. It feels good to use my muscles and make progress towards my goal of losing 60 lbs. I even bought some cute new exercise duds to keep me motivated!
But, it was SO cold here in SC this week, so instead of making excuses and skipping exercising altogether, I made use of some of the dvd's I had collecting dust. Since, I'm a chubby girl, I thought lower impact would be best for me, so I thought I'd give piyo a try.
And let me tell ya, I seriously underestimated piyo. Like seriously. I'm pretty flexible for a chubby girl, but this gave me a run for my money. But, yet I LOVED it! I don't want to just get skinny, I want to be strong. And I love the look that yoga/pilates gives you. I want that long, lean look that you can get from it.
Anyhow-Have you done piyo? If so, did you love it? Did you see amazing results from it? And do you have any tips/tricks for me?
I'd love to hear! : )
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Monday, February 9, 2015
The deer.
So, I married a hunter. I am NOT a hunter, nor will I ever be. I have nothing against hunters but the only thing I like to hunt is a good bargain. My husband on the other hand loves to hunt. I've never understood the thrill of getting up at the wee hours of the morning to go out in the freezing cold to sit in the middle of nowhere and do nothing. To each his own, but that's not MY idea of a good time. Anyhow, he's always joked about mounting a deer on our walls. To which I always responded with a resounding NO. Not happening, no way, no how. Especially now that we have so little space. We live in a 1000 sq ft house for goodness sakes. Not happening.
Until today.
A little back story, he came home a couple of months ago, with a grin from ear to ear on his face. After inquiring about said grin, he informed me that he shot this deer and he wanted to have it mounted. I was like "yeah, ok...whatever, dude". Not seriously, even considering that he was actually serious. Well, he was and the deer is now sitting in my living room. And as you can imagine, I'm just beyond thrilled about it. (do you detect the slightest bit of sarcasm???)
I admit to being upset and fuming about it for a bit but then after discussing this with a friend of mine, we decided that I should have a little fun with Mr. Buck until he finds a new home. ;) Because he IS going to find a new home. TRUST. It WILL happen. I can only have so much fun with it, anyways. And I only have so much room in this house.
So, I thought it would be fun to chronicle Mr. Buck's time here in our house. Tonight, he got a makeover via some left over halloween costumes.
I'd like to introduce you to Captain Buck Sparrow.
Classy, eh?! This look may be a keeper. I think I'm liking him better, already! ;)
Stay tuned for what we come up with next!
Stay tuned for what we come up with next!
Sunday, August 17, 2014
A little of my story. . .
I've fought with my weight for the last 15 years.
It wasn't until I became pregnant with my daughter, that my battle with my weight, really began.
I gained 50 lbs in my pregnancy but lost 30 of that pretty quickly.
I never lost that additional 20 lbs, infact, I gained 50 more on top of over the years.
I've done weight watchers, the Atkins diet, diet pills, and I almost had weight loss surgery all in a desperate effort to lose weight.
The most I would ever lose was about 10-15 lbs and then I would quit.
Only to gain that back, and then some.
Finally, in 2009 made an appointment with a nutritionist.
I needed some direction.
My starting weight was 267 lbs.
I wanted to die.
It was my highest weight ever.
I was miserable and unhappy.
But, I knew this was the fresh start I needed.
Since then, I'm down 50 lbs.
Over the course of these 5 years, I've managed to keep the majority of my weight off.
The problem is that I still need to lose 50 MORE lbs. I try to remember that I just need to lose 5lbs 10 more times! ;)
I know, I have a long ways to go but I am starting to like myself, again. Which is awesome feeling! It's an amazing feeling to start liking what you see in yourself.
I came across these pictures recently and seeing pics of me from this time in my life are very bittersweet. Because I still remember very vividly how the girl in these pictures felt. I felt hopeless, alone, sad, just completely miserable. I felt stuck in every aspect of my life. I even remember going on a field trip with maddie and one of the kids telling her, that her mom was fat. I tried to brush it off but it hurt. It really, really hurt. I had really given up on myself. I often went without makeup and I often wore black. Because I didn't want to stand out. I didn't want anyone to notice me. Thankfully one day, I had the courage to take my life back. I worked towards losing the weight, I embraced being a girl again and started taking care of myself. I also started to break out of my shell.
I still have my bad days, but instead of just completely giving up like I did in the past, I just continue to move forward.
I plan to use this blog to document my progress and I would love for you to follow along with me!
I did want to share a few of my "before" pics, to remind me of where I was

Can you say "cheese"!?

Stuffing my face. YUCK! (I can't believe I am putting this on here.)
If that's not inspiration, I don't know what is!?! : )
Before and during. 50 lbs down, 50 more to go!
So, here's to "resurfacing me"!
Monday, August 11, 2014
The 1st step
So, I am starting a new blog.
I plan to use it, to hold myself accountable to...well, myself, more or less.
I'm on a path to resurface me.
I want to. . .
continue to grow in my current journey by doing what I'd never thought I could or would.
learn to forgive and forget.
continue to grow in my faith in God, others and myself.
just be a better version of me.
I am wanting to chronicle my life, the good bad and the ugly (well, maybe not too much of the ugly).
I plan to use it, to hold myself accountable to...well, myself, more or less.
I'm on a path to resurface me.
I want to. . .
continue to grow in my current journey by doing what I'd never thought I could or would.
learn to forgive and forget.
continue to grow in my faith in God, others and myself.
just be a better version of me.
I am wanting to chronicle my life, the good bad and the ugly (well, maybe not too much of the ugly).
so, if you are looking to make some positive changes in your life, please follow along with me.
WE can do this together!
A journey begins with the 1st step.
So, here we go!